Europe's New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) certified training courses in the field of civilian crisis management. A C³MC-label was awarded to courses that met established standards and criteria for training civilian personnel that are to be deployed to crisis management missions. The ENTRi certification system has been designed to further enhance coherent and high-level training activities in the field of civilian crisis management. It offered an objective evaluation standard and allows training institutions to align their courses with international standard, which are recognised by organisations and professionals at the European level.
The application for the C³MC-label was open to course organisers within and outside Europe, provided that they were a legal entity pursuant to the legislation of their country of origin and had previous experience in organising training courses in the field of civilian crisis management. Applications were reviewed by the ENTRi Certification working group under the chairmanship of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy). Adherence to certified minimum standards was reviewed on the basis of the application submitted by course organisers as well as random on-site visits during the delivery of the courses.
The certification was subject to the conclusion of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the applicants and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna covering the terms of use of the C³MC label. Once certification was awarded, it was valid for three years. Periodical review of many certified training courses was conducted. Once the certification period expired, course organisers could re-apply for certification through a simplified application procedure.
The typology of courses for which the ENTRi certification could be requested were those for which ENTRi had already adopted a course concept paper and which had already been successfully implemented. Course concept papers can be found below.
ENTRi was only allowed to certify public entities.
For a list of courses that have/had an ENTRi certification, please see list of certified courses