Courses certified by ENTRi

Europe's New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) certified training courses in the field of civilian crisis management. A C³MC-label was awarded to courses that met established standards and criteria for training civilian personnel that are to be deployed to crisis management missions. The ENTRi certification system has been designed to further enhance coherent and high-level training activities in the field of civilian crisis management. It offered an objective evaluation standard and allows training institutions to align their courses with international standard, which are recognised by organisations and professionals at the European level.

The application for the C³MC-label was open to course organisers within and outside Europe, provided that they were a legal entity pursuant to the legislation of their country of origin and had previous experience in organising training courses in the field of civilian crisis management. Applications were reviewed by the ENTRi Certification working group under the chairmanship of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy). Adherence to certified minimum standards was reviewed on the basis of the application submitted by course organisers as well as random on-site visits during the delivery of the courses.

The certification was subject to the conclusion of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the applicants and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna covering the terms of use of the C³MC label. Once certification was awarded, it was valid for three years. Periodical review of many certified training courses was conducted. Once the certification period expired, course organisers could re-apply for certification through a simplified application procedure.

The typology of courses for which the ENTRi certification could be requested were those for which ENTRi had already adopted a course concept paper and which had already been successfully implemented. Course concept papers can be found below.

ENTRi was only allowed to certify public entities.

For a list of courses that have/had an ENTRi certification, please see list of certified courses

List of ENTRi-certified curricula

The “Core Course” consists of modules designed to provide participants with the basic knowledge and skills required on a mission, independent of the specific function they will fulfill as experts in their own fields.

All the modules should enhance desirable personal attitudes, stress the importance of the active involvement of the host society, and promote a reflective and critical approach with regard to the complex issues of civilian crisis prevention and management when implementing concrete projects in the field, i.e. skills that are practiced in direct interaction with people.

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This Comprehensive Generic Training on Peace Operations (CGTPO) course is a revised version of the ENTRi-certified Core Course. CGTPO takes into account latest developments in the field of peace operations and crisis management, training methodology, and adult learning.

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Specialization Courses

This course addresses the training needs of human rights field officers. Participants to the courses must already have a basic understanding of international human rights and humanitarian law.

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The overall objective of the specialisation course on “Media Development” aims at imparting and strengthening principles and values of freedom of expression and the support for independent and participatory media in conflict regions.

Participants should have an academic background either in science of communication or law and should have working experience in relevant fields in their home countries.

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The objective of the course is to familiarize participants with different new media tools that can contribute to increasing the effectiveness of peace operations and other organizations working in crisis areas.

The target group of this training is civilian, police, and military experts working in crisis areas, especially in peace operations (EU, UN, OSCE, AU) and humanitarian organizations (OCHA).

Although open for military personnel, the tools covered focus predominately on the priorities and areas of responsibility of civilian institutions and organizations.

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The training in “Civilian Administration” will aim at providing participants with organisational development, planning, and management tools for the supervision, coaching, development, and execution of administrative systems.

Considering the different tasks of future civilian administration mission members the professional background of participants can be manifold. But participants should have previous working experience in a leading, consultative or advisory function.

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The overall objective of Specialisation Course on “Child Protection” is the improvement of the preparation of experts who would like to become involved in monitoring, advisory, and executive functions related to children in crisis areas.

The purpose of this course is not limited to familiarising participants with concepts and best practices. The course also seeks to enable participants to exchange respective expertises, and therewith build capacity in EU and UN institutions to improve their training on this topic. To this effect, the course should also serve as a training-of-trainers.

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  • Download the Course Concept from here
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The underlying assumptions on which the course is based are as follows: hostile environment awareness plays an important role in the effectiveness and impact of the mission; it is also a chief responsibility that each seconding or contracting actor has vis-à-vis the personnel deployed ("duty of care").

Hostile environment awareness is essential to coping with internal and external security threats that an international mission can likely face on the ground and is conducive to: a) enhancing the resilience of personnel when working in hazardous environments; b) increasing the understanding of proactive security and of basic field measures to be taken before, during and after a mission in a conflict zone; c) providing personnel with the basic tools and techniques needed to avoid potentially dangerous situations or to cope adequately with actual endangering situations in the field.

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The training course on “Press and Public Information and Media Development” aims at imparting and strengthening principles and values of freedom of expression on two different levels:

  • Future civilian experts in this field should be provided with specialised information and practical tools in order to fulfill their tasks as Public Relation officers.
  • Future civilian experts in this field should be provided with specialised information and practical tools in order to assist the construction of independent media structures
  • Civilian experts should be able to advise governments on media regulation

Participants should have an academic background either in science of communication or law and should have working experience in relevant fields in their home countries

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Although there is abundance of available leadership trainings of all kinds and lengths out there, few of them examine leadership as a gendered concept.

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This specialisation course on conflict analysis and conflict sensitivity aims to increase awareness, knowledge and skills of individuals and organisations working in contexts of conflict.

From a minimalistic view, the course aims to prepare participants to avoid doing harm, and, from a maximalist view, to increase the peacebuilding potential of their interventions. In order to develop such conflict-sensitive interventions, it is essential to have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the conflict context and of the mutual interaction between the intervention and the conflict context, which are the core issues of this course.

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The main objective of the course is to convey the significance of successful mentoring and advising for the implementation of the overall mission mandate and to determine how mentoring schemes and processes can successfully contribute to local ownership of a host nation.

Sustainable capacity development requires a comprehensive, continuous and logical process that begins with strategic planning and is followed by assessment of capacity needs, planning for capacity development interventions and finally periodical monitoring and evaluation.

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Within the scope of the rule of law, the functions all have the overriding purpose to promote, secure and strengthen the rule of law, in the administration of justice as well as in the administration in general.

The expert functions to be provided for, within the framework of a mission, will require training, particularly of judges, prosecutors and lawyers, as well as correctional officers.

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The course aims at providing gender advisers and experts with up-to-date knowledge regarding the practical realities of working with gender integration in international missions.

The course builds on input from experienced gender experts working in international civilian crisis management missions, and on current research on the topic.

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This four-day residential course will use experiential learning, reflection and simulation exercises to develop the skills, knowledge and competencies of participants with regard to SSR.

The course methodology will use the breadth and depth of experience among participants and course facilitators to reach a shared understanding of how SSR can be implemented most effectively.

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This training is targeted at civilian, police and military experts who work for international organisations in a crisis management environment.

Although negotiation and mediation skills are not function-specific skills and can be applied in a complex political and conflict environment, this training is tailored to negotiation and mediation skills for positions and functions related to the core activities of a crisis management mission. These include mission leadership, political adviser, liaison officers, planners, mentors and advisers.

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The key objective of this Training of Trainers course is to build in-mission capacities for training purposes, to enhance the ability of missions to adapt to the steadily changing capacity-building requirements of international peace operations and to strengthen in-mission capability to deliver high quality trainings.

This training aims to strengthen the didactical and methodological skills of members of international missions in designing and delivering training courses in order to build local capacities. The course is relevant for first-time trainers and those with more experience. Both groups are given the chance to practice, acquire and develop new competencies and/or build upon existing knowledge, skills and experience.

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