A comprehensive approach to gender in operations
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Certified course under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). An international course for middle management civilian and military professionals The one week (5-day) course at the
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Welcome on board the CSDP!
Monday, 17 June 2019
Sixty-five participants from EU member states and institutions, third states and international organisations joined a European Security and Defence College CSDP Orientation Course, organized by the Romanian National Defence College
- Published in CSDP Orientation Course, News
PDT as a “final cut briefing”
Monday, 17 June 2019
Training is a shared responsibility between Member States, Brussels and the Field The PDT is a “final cut briefing” complementing national preparatory training activities The PDT (blue field of
- Published in News, Pre-deployment Training
ESDC Advanced Modular Training – an integrated approach to civilian and military training
Thursday, 18 April 2019
The end of the CSDP Operations Planning Course, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, brings to a close the first iteration of the Advanced Modular Training (AMT) pilot course. Having brought together
- Published in Advanced Modular Training, News
Is HERACLEIA region in a “Thucydides Trap” and does EU have an answer to the region’s crisis?
Monday, 15 April 2019
That was the main question that gave rise to a heated debate that took place at the Hellenic Supreme Joint War College (HSJWC) as the highlight of the CSDP Orientation
- Published in CSDP Orientation Course, News
Fine tuning of PDT in accordance with survey findings
Tuesday, 04 December 2018
The Brussels PDT, designed by the ESDC within the network of European training institutions and CPCC representatives, was tested as early as 2015 in a pilot phase and properly launched
- Published in News, Pre-deployment Training
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