- At the beginning of 2021, newly elected US president Joe Biden re-joined the Paris agreement.
- In November 2020, the European External Action Service, together with the EU Commission and the European Defence Agency, presented a “Climate change and Defence roadmap”, approved by the EU Commission in January 2021. It confirms the determination of the EU to be a role model and an involved partner to face this crucial issue.
- In June 2021, NATO adopted a Climate change and security action plan during its summit in Brussels.
Climate Change and Security,IHEDN, 5-7 October 2021
European Security and Defence College in cooperation with the French Institute for Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN) and the think-tank Adelphi organized from 5 to 7 October a course dedicated to “Climate change and security”. This course is part of the Climate Diplomacy initiative supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Environmental challenges have become an important issue of global governance since at least the first Earth summit organized by the United Nations in 1972. During the last years, we are observing an acceleration of both global warming effects and initiatives to limit the climate crisis, which is increasingly posing risks to international peace and security. The fight against climate change is a longstanding one, but three critical events took place this year that show a will to engage this challenge on a global stage: