Since the creation of the PDT course in 2015, 751 persons attended the ESDC Pre-Deployment Training as depicted in the chart below. Of those participants 530 deployed to civilian CSDP missions (blue), 125 to military operations (green) and 96 to other assignments such as EEAS headquarters and EU Delegations (yellow). 567 participants were seconded by Member States, 184 contracted directly by CPCC. Due to the effects of the corona virus ESDC was able to conduct only 7 out of the usual 9 iterations in the academic year 2019/20. Despite the reduced number of courses 222 persons were trained which represents an increase of 30% (64 participants) to the previous academic year and the biggest annual increase since its creation in 2015.90% of former course participants recommend this course to future mission staff 70% consider the course to be relevant and necessary and 25% think it is essential.