AMT 1 – Group photo

AMT 1 Syndicate Work – light touch Conflict Analysis
In AMT 2A (CSDP Crisis Management at the Political-Strategic level – from PFCA to Strategic Options), held in presence in Thessaloniki (Greece) between 04 to 08 April, course participants discussed the relevant aspects of interaction among crisis management structures by practicing and discussing the procedures, key stages and planning tools of crisis management at the political-strategic level, as part of the EU Integrated Approach to Conflict and Crisis.
AMT 2A Group photo

AMT 2A – syndicate activities
Finally, in AMT 2B (CSDP Crisis Management at the Strategic level – CONOPS development), held virtually from Stockholm from 16 to 20 May, course participants focused on the relevant aspects of interaction among crisis management structures, practising and discussing the procedures, key stages and planning tools of crisis management at the strategic level.
AMT 2B – Group photo
We would like to thank:- All 47 course participants for their steady and diligent efforts to learn and socialise their learning in the professional community the AMT created;
- Speakers, mentors and facilitators for their excellent, high quality contributions, advice and team work;
- The five training providers: the Hellenic Supreme Joint War College, the Italian Centre for Higher Defence Studies, Maynooth University in Ireland, the Swedish Armed Forces International Centre and the EU Military Staff.