Pre-deployment Training for CSDP Missions and Operations, Brussels, 13-17 May 2024
Participants from eight EU Member States and one non-EU country came together in Brussels for the ESDC’s fully residential pre-deployment training course before being deployed to seven civilian CSDP missions and one operation. The training course took place from 13 to 17 May 2024 and involved 19 participants with a civilian, military or police background. During the five-day intensive training course, those participants had an opportunity to exchange views and share best practices on various mission related topics within the CSDP context while improving their knowledge, skills and competencies.
It was a great honour for the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) to co organise this important preparatory activity in conjunction with the Department for International Police Missions of the LAFP/ Germany. The course, which prepares personnel for imminent deployment to civilian and military CSDP missions and operations, enhances overall understanding of the functioning principles of the CSDP missions and provides an insight into the latest policies, instruments and tools available to fulfil the mandate.
The course was opened by the course directors, Mr Guido Weber and Mr Andreas Kistemaker from the LAFP/ Germany, and by Ms Stanislava Kraynova, Training Manager at the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). They welcomed the participants, provided an overview of the EU’s training policy and initiated an extremely useful tour de table.
This PDT course is one of nine activities organised by the ESDC each academic year for generic preparation for missions and operations. The overall aim of the course is to ensure that personnel are suitably prepared so that they can integrate into mission life and become operational as soon as possible upon deployment.
The ESDC would like to thank the speakers and experts for their exceptional contributions and for their valuable input and suggestions, namely:
All the distinguished lecturers from the European External Action Service, Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability, Military Planning and Conduct Capability and EU Military Staff, as well as all the distinguished speakers from the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) and from the Egmont Institute.
Special thanks go to the course directors, to the Department for International Police Missions of the LAFP and to all the participants for their active participation and commitment.