17th CSDP High Level Course 2021-2022’Walter HALLSTEIN’
17th CSDP High Level Course 2021-2022’Walter HALLSTEIN’ started on 27 September 2021 with the welcome addresses delivered by: Col Filip BORREMANS (DG RHID), Amb. Hugues CHANTRY (DG Egmont) and Dirk DUBOIS (Head ESDC). The introductory speeches were followed by the lecture on CSDP State of Play and Role of the Council presented by Amb. Sofie FROM-EMMESBERGER (PSC Chair). The Course will take place in 4 locations: Brussels, Maribor, Tartu and Warsaw.
17th edition gathered 40 participants from 18 EU Member States (44 in 2020), 17 from EU Institutions and Agencies (14 in 2020), 4 from CSDP Missions and operations (4 in 2020), 1 from other organisations (1 in 2020) and 2 from EU Candidate Countries (none in 2020).
The overall aim of the CSDP High Level Course (HLC) is to prepare selected senior experts from EU Member States, candidate countries and EU institutions for leadership positions in the application and development of CSDP policy, crisis management and capability development, within the wider context of the CFSP, and enable them to cooperate effectively with the various actors in this field. The course aims to broaden participants’ knowledge and understanding of the EU security and defence architecture, the integrated approach to the CSDP as a key tool of the CFSP, current and anticipated policy, missions and operations, as well as to increase their awareness about new threats and other horizontal issues. The training delivered via both the eLearning platform and during the residential modules promotes a common European security culture and aims to foster the network of future leaders involved in the strategic aspects of the CFSP/CSDP.