Fig. 1 Framing both complexity of learning and complexity of military officer profession (Ref. SQF-MILOF Volume 1, page 35, at https://esdc.europa.eu/sqf-milof/ )
Ms Manuela Bonacci (National Institute for Public Policies Analysis – INAPP) and Ms Manuela Costone (Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence – CIMEA) explained the link between the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and SQF-MILOF, using Italy as an example. Dr Anemona Peres and Cdr Barbara Magro each shared important lessons from the implementation of similar initiatives of the European Border and Coast Guard. Ms Virpi Levomaa (Finish Defence Forces) and Mr Alin Bodescu (ESDC) provided participants with advice on the practical application of one of the key implementation measures: levelling national military qualifications to SQF-MILOF and defining their military focus.