What does a CSDP Orientation course comprise?
The standard ESDC curriculum comprises core topics that have a civilian-military relevance. These may be complemented by thematic areas decided by the training provider on a case-by-case basis. The core elements ensure that all participants cover the basics of CSDP. Complementary topics may meet the needs of a more specialised audience. The core part of the course programme covers such areas the EU Global Strategy, CSDP decision-making and crisis management procedures, EU missions and operations, cooperation with partner organisations and countries, emerging threats (cyber security, hybrid threats & strategic communication) or gender and human rights. Complementary subjects (for, in this instance, a predominantly military audience) include the EU rapid response and EU Battle Group, the role of the European Parliament in CFSP/ CSDP, and EU military concepts on logistics, cyber defence and exercises.
How do we do it?
The ESDC strives to maximise participants’ interaction as well as involvement in course programme design and execution. In case of these two courses, most of the topics were based on the format “Participant-Expert-Discussion”. To facilitate interaction, participants formed small groups, based on their interest in a particular topic. To this end, they were asked to fill in a questionnaire before the course in which they were invited to state their areas of interest and formulate questions for speakers. The questions were given to the speakers to help them tailor their material accordingly. The “Participant-Expert-Discussion” format enabled each group to teach other colleagues, before the expert did so. This helped participants interact and challenge the speakers/experts, who then provided feedback and further clarification on the key issues discussed. The use of online learning technology enabled the large numbers of participants to evaluate the training and ask questions.