Call for applications in the Academic year 2024-2025


The European Doctoral School on CSDP from the ESDC is happy to announce the opening of a call for applications in the academic year 2025-2026. We are seeking for up to 10 Doctoral Fellows with research focus on Common Security and Defence Policy / Common Foreign Security Policy. Deadline for application is 7 March 2025.


Candidates for the CSDP Doctoral School programme are eligible if they:

  • Are enrolled PhD students of a CSDP Doctoral School’s accredited member institution or have received confirmation of the acceptance by one or more of the CSDP Doctoral School’s accredited member institutions, according to their regulations, to act as leading institution(s) for the doctorate and have paid any fees required under the rules and procedures of those institution(s) or under the inter-institutional agreement in force between them;
  • Have completed a scientific higher education degree worth at least 300 ECTS or gained professional experience in a relevant topic, which is recognised as equivalent to this level of degree within the European Higher Education Area;
  • Can produce evidence that they master English to level CEFRL C1.

All interested doctoral fellows are kindly asked to:

  1. Carefully read the Doctoral School Charter (access here),
  2. Fill in the dedicated application form (access here),
  3. Attach all documents as required by the checklist (access here),
  4. Send the documents to (please use the title format Application_name) no later than 7 March 2025.

One needs to fill in the Application Form, the Application checklist (and to include all required documents) and send it to (the email should have as subject DocSchool_APP_name.surname).

No instant confirmations of applications will be sent. We will contact you after the application deadline has passed.
