Opening Speech by the Brig. Gen. dr Robert KOSOWSKI Rector-Commandant of War Studies University (WSU).
The 4th module of the CSDP High Level Course provides a comprehensive review of the current state of play, progress made and further evolution of the CSDP in the context of EU external action. In this respect, cross-fertilisation with other actors involved in the EU external action will be considered. A special emphasis will be placed on the analysis of the future prospects in EU foreign, security and defence policy as well as the impact of horizontal aspects on the CSDP’s implementation.
Welcome speech and Introduction to Module 4, Dr Lech DRAB – Module Leader
Participants have an opportunity to enrol in a practical strategic-level exercise on EU crisis management planning and decision-making on a political and strategic level at the end of the module with the support of experts from the European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels. The participants have to apply the decision-making process, take ownership of the content of the course as a whole, as well as integrate and take on board the course values.
17th CSDP High Level Course – Riccardo SCALAS, Course Director