“The importance of the concept of Security Sector Reform (SSR) cannot be overstated. The aim of SSR is to build a well-governed Security Sector which is accountable, efficient and trusted. It is utmost important, that its organizational and operational structures follow the rule of law and are controlled by democratic institutions. The EU´s approach to SSR is entranced in the EU global Strategy (2016) and in the Council conclusions on EU-wide strategic framework to support Security Sector Reform (2016). This is where the core course on SSR comes in.”From 17-23 March 2023, 32 participants of 23 nations gathered in Stadtschlaining, Austria, for a in-depth training on SSR. The course was co-organized by the Austrian Centre for Peace (ACP) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence, supported by two experts of the International Security Sector Advisory Team of the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF/ISSAT) and further subject matter experts under the auspices of European Security and Defence College.