Senior Strategic Course – Module 2, Berlin, 27-28 February 2023
The European Security and Defence College (ESDC) had the honour of co-organising, together with the German Federal Academy of Security Policy, the second module of the Senior Strategic Course – with a focus on EU Defence Industry.
The course was successfully held in Berlin between 27 and 28 February 2023 with active participation and excellent outcomes. This activity is one of the actual flagships of the European Security and Defence College and reunited top-level participants (generals, political directors, other officials but also representatives of EU Defence Industry and Academia) from EU member states.
The course benefited from a fresh approach, combining the classic format of speeches and intense debates with working visits to the German Bundestag (meeting with members of the Defence Committee) and Airbus Representation in Berlin (meeting with representatives of German Defence Industry).
The next module of this very senior level activity will be organised in Paris (29.05-01.06.2023) by IHEDN – Institut Des Hautes Etudes De Défense Nationale and the Italian CASD – Centro Alti Studi Difesa.
We would like to thank all the keynote speakers for their excellent contributions and input, and the very high quality of their speeches and lectures.
We would also like to thank all participants for their confidence in the ESDC. We will do our utmost to continue providing high quality training.