Political Advisors in EU Missions and Operations, Brussels, 25-29 April 2022
The Political Advisors in EU Missions and Operations is a three modular course co-organised by the Brussels-based Egmont Institute, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the Austrian National Defence Academy. It aims to give participants a wider knowledge of tasks and challenges which Political Advisors are likely to face.
The 25th of April marked the start of Module 1 of the 11th Edition of the PoLad course that will be held in person, in Brussels, two years after the start of the pandemic. The host training institute for Module 1 is the Egmont Institute, a prestigious non-profit think tank based in Brussels associated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium.
Nineteen course participants, civilian experts, diplomats, and high-ranking military officers were welcomed by Dirk Dubois, Head of ESDC, who underlined the importance of this course to give participants the main tools and knowledge to work in CSDP missions and operations and delivered an insightful presentation on the EU strategic environment that was very much appreciated by course members.
Maria Grazia Romano, Training Manager at the ESDC, then introduced course participants to the procedures for a practical training exercise that will be run in the coming days. On the last day of Module 1, course members will have to present their results to a panel of subject matter experts.
During the week, different briefings will give participants a detailed overview of the framework, skills and working techniques for Political Advisors both in the capitals and in the field and experts, coming from the field, will recount their own personal experiences.
Module 1 will conclude with a lecture on the geopolitics of the European Union and the evolution of the threat in current times.