Climate Change and Security Course, 8-11 June 2021, CMDR COE and the Diplomatic Institute to the MFA of the Republic of Bulgaria
From 8 to 11 June 2021, the Sofia-based Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) and the Diplomatic Institute to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria held a course on Climate Change and Security for the third time, within the framework of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC).
Opening the series of ESDC courses on climate change and security planned for 2021, the course held in Sofia and online attracted 35 participants from the EU Member States, EU Institutions, CSDP missions and operations, Algeria and Mauritania.
This year, the unpredictability caused by the COVID-19 crisis compelled the organisers to stay flexible and run the course in both a physical and a virtual format. This hybrid format, bringing together 15 participants in Sofia and 20 remote participants, represented a challenge in terms of networking and achieving a coherent group. Nevertheless, the organisers managed to overcome all difficulties thanks to an excellent team of trainers and technicians.
The course, designed to enhance awareness of climate change’s impact on security, included presentations on mainstreaming climate change in the EU’s Integrated Approach, climate change as a threat multiplier, military considerations and climate change diplomacy. The participants were also engaged in a scenario-based strategic game to assess the capabilities required to provide support in situations where security was impacted by climate change.
Two more similar courses are expected to be organised by the ESDC this year, so if you are interested in applying, keep an eye on our website at