The Head of the ESDC addresses the Commandant of the EU Military Academies (EUMACS 2021)
The Head of the ESDC, Mr Dirk Dubois, addresses the EU Military Academy Commandants Symposium, held in Lisbon on 27 and 28 May 2021. The opening session was held in the presence of the Portuguese Chief of Defense and the deputy commander of the GNR and was hosted by the Commandant of the Military Academy. For this session, several ambassadors from EU Member States joined the commandants.
For the ESDC, this symposium offered an opportunity to discuss the way ahead for the College as a network, but also to talk about the developments on the implementation of military Erasmus as well as to present the Sectoral Qualification Framework for Military Officer, a capstone publication to further facilitate exchanges of military staff in training and education. This so called SQF-MILOF provides a common vocabulary to describe what a generic EU officer should know, be able to do and at what level of responsibility at any given stage of the career. It therefore provides an easy reference tool to compare learning outcomes of training opportunities offered in different Member States.