ESDC Climate Change and Security Course
Within the framework of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), the ‘Climate Change and Security’ course was held in Brussels from 6 to 8 October 2020 as a residential course. The course was jointly organised by the French Institute for Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN) and Adelphi, as part of the Climate Diplomacy initiative supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.
The aim of the course was to enhance awareness of climate change security implications through the acquisition of basic knowledge on global warming as a phenomenon and as a security threat multiplier, and on the impact of climate change on international peace and security. The course also aimed to give an introduction to the main instruments available for addressing these security implications.
The course addressed future challenges and assessed EU strategic documents in this field. A further aim was to foster a network of future civilian and military experts in climate change diplomacy and mitigation/adaptation policy development and implementation.
Lieutenant-General Patrick Destremeau, Director of IHEDN, welcomed all participants and set out the aim of the course in his opening speech.