Upon special request by EULEX Kosovo, the German Federal Police and the ESDC jointly delivered a tailor made in-mission-training on “Monitoring and Advising in EU Civilian Crisis Management” from 9th to 13th September 2019 in Pristina. This in mission training has been delivered within the ESDC network to EUAM Ukraine in 2018 and to EUPOL COPPS in 2017.
The course curriculum, was originally developed in 2010 by the German Federal Police (Lübeck) and the Zentrum für internationale Friedenseinsätze (ZIF Berlin) in accordance with the “CivOpsCdr Operational Guidelines for Monitoring, Mentoring and Advising in Civilian CSDP Missions”. Identified in 2013 by the CMPD “working group on lessons learned” as one of the essential skills required for CSDP missions, this MMA training has been successfully delivered in multiple formats and to different target audiences ever since its creation.
This training brought together 12 participants currently deployed to the CSDP crisis management mission “EULEX Kosovo” (established in 2008) mandated to assist the Kosovo authorities in strengthening sustainable and independent rule of law institutions.
The civilian and police crime monitors and correctional advisers of 9 nationalities were trained on the importance of MMA in the mission context and conveyed a clear understanding of the different roles of monitor and advisor. Furthermore, general principles of communication in a multi-cultural environment and basic elements of negotiation techniques were addressed. Strategies for motivation, the recognition of symptoms of resistance and ways of coping with them were provided. Techniques on working with interpreters combined with the theoretical learning content were practiced through extensive role plays within a mission related scenario. Besides the training content the in-mission training created an environment to discuss mission specific issues in regard to MMA and to build and maintain internal networks.
Last but not least, latest developments from Brussels, as far as CSDP is concerned, were communicated, new financial instruments of FPI and IcSP presented and the implementation of the integrated approach stressed. Participants also used this opportunity for an enriching exchange of experiences between “old” and “new” mission members which allowed for lively and interactive discussions.