Who says that successful practical cooperation between EU and NATO needs to be complicated? This was certainly not the case in the case of a visit of the Head of the ESDC to Tunis and the Tunisian ‘Ecole Supérieure de Guerre’ (ESG). Building further on a year-long cooperation between the ESDC and the NATO Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP), Mr Dirk DUBOIS was invited to present the EU global strategy and the future of CSDP to an audience of more 70 high-level participants and staff of the from Tunisian ESG, from several African States and from China.
The request from NATO’s side was not only to cover the topic, but also to present it in an interactive session. Although based on a traditional PowerPoint presentation, the lecture invited participants to give their opinion, challenge the speaker openly and where appropriate disagree what was said. For this purpose, the presentation was the first session of the new academic year of the ESG. Based on the very positive feedback received and on the multiple questions during and after the presentation, this objective was well obtained.
With this event, we killed not two, but three birds with a single stone: proved the effectiveness of EU-NATO cooperation in the field, explained and promoted the EU Global Strategy and its implementation in the EU neighbourhood and finally demonstrated how even with a large group, interactivity can be achieved between the audience and the lecturer.

The Head of the ESDC, Mr Dirk DUBOIS is welcomed by the Director of the Tunisian Ecole Supérieure de Guerre (War College), Navy Captain Major Imed ZAIER