Taking advantage of ESDC´s visit to Indonesia, the ESDC representative, with the support of the European Union Delegation (EUDEL) in Indonesia, had the opportunity to establish numerous side meetings, strengthening the links and cooperation in the field of peacekeeping operations and Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) with several official institutions and authorities representatives in Indonesia such as the Indonesia Defense University (UNHAN) and PMPP-TNI (Peacekeeping Training Center).
Following the agreed deliverables during the 3rd EU-Indonesia Security Dialogue for 2019, the ESDC Representative and acting Head of EU Delegation in Indonesia, had the opportunity to debate, strengthen, promote and facilitate the engagement of Indonesia representatives, staff and participants, from the PMPP-TNI and UNHAN, with current and forthcoming ESDC activities and ESDC Network Members, particularly in the following areas:
- Participation of Indonesian staff to the first batch of ESDC Courses open to third countries (including on civilian CSDP missions);
- Indonesian requests of cooperation on training courses and training capabilities to be passed through the ESDC network to EU Member States training and education institutions in order to explore possible matches.
With the aim of facilitating the achievement of these objectives and agreed deliverables, the EU DEL in Indonesia kindly informed the establishment of a financial instrument and viability of entirely financing the costs of participation (travel, per diem and accommodation) of Indonesia Defense University (UNHAN) and PMPP-TNI (Peacekeeping Training Center) staff and participants in ESDC activities, as well the viability of EUDEL to equally support the exchange and participation of EU experts coming from ESDC Network Members to Indonesia on training activities, in specific areas of interest previously identified by the Indonesian authorities. These actions have meant a foremost step in establishing trustful ties and cooperation between the EU, the ESDC and Indonesian authorities.