On 19-20 June human rights and gender advisers met in Brussels for their 11th annual meeting in order to share best practices and their experiences in the field with the EEAS structures and discuss the latest developments in EU policies in Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), Human Rights and Women, Peace and Security.
The advisers stressed the importance of ensuring gender and human rights as an essential part of basic training and generic pre-deployment training, not only through the ESDC PDT, but also through training offered in individual Member States. Existing ESDC training on a gender perspective in support of mission and operations, and investigating and preventing sexual and gender based violence in conflict environments, was highly appreciated. Also, more CSDP courses on human rights would be an advantage to the system.
The discipline leader for gender in the EU Military Training Group (EUMTG) presented their initial findings from the TRA in the training area of gender and highlighted some key areas to be included in future curricula development.