The agenda covered topics like:
- The role of the ESDC
- The EU Global Strategy
- EU – NATO relationships
- The role of the EU in the US-CHN relationships
- CSDP Missions and Operations
- The role of the EU on Peace-kipping
- The EU contribution in the fields of Cyber Security and Cyber Defence
The above briefings where covered by:
- The Head of ESDC Mr Dirk Dubois
- Col Bernard Markey Branch Chief at EUMS
- Ms Crista Huisman, Senior Capability Development Planner at the EEAS
- Mr Panagiotis Giannakoulias, Policy Officer on Security and Defence Relations at the EEAS
- Dr Marios Thoma, Training Manager and Cyber Expert at the ESDC
At the end of the presentations, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sedarnawati Yasni, M. Agr., a Senior Lecturer of Politics and Citizenship at National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia addressed the audience and thanked both the college and the other esteemed speakers for their contributions.

We wish to all participants and particularly to Lmhannas RI to continue successfully providing their services for:
The strengthening of National resilience and the achievement of one ideal, awareness, one will, one word and one work, based on the absolute truth.Lehmans RI Coat of Arms