Sectoral Qualification Framework for the Military Officer Profession (SQF-MILOF)
How should an officer operate and act within the complex and multidimensional operating environment of the future, in which the EU will need to deploy its full range of capabilities in the area of security and defence? What competences do commanders expect from their officers in the event of unexpected and rapidly evolving internal and external security situations with military implications? What knowledge, skills, autonomy and responsibility should an officer acquire and master to meet the expected competence profile? The Sectoral Qualification Framework for all stages of the career of a military officer (SQF-MILOF) not only offers answers to these questions, but also makes available to the Member States (MS) practical roadmaps for its implementation.Why the SQF-MILOF?
Education and training are the responsibility of the MS. However, a high level of interoperability can only be achieved through a transparent and critical approach to the development of military training, education programmes and systems. SQF-MILOF is a tool designed to promote cooperation. It does so by offering MS a platform that promotes the exchange of views on the requisite level of performance and learning needed by military officers. In July 2016, the Chairman of the EU Military Committee requested that the European Security and Defence College develop a SQF-MILOF. Based on work concluded under the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers in 2014, the SQF-MILOF describes, at all the different stages of a military career, what MS can expect an officer to know, be able to do and at what level of autonomy and responsibility. After extensive consultation with MS, a working group under the ESDC, with direct support from the EU Military Staff, concluded the SQF-MILOF at the end of 2020. Once complete, the SQF-MILOF passed through a rigorous evaluation and validation processes. Externally, a team of three independent international experts provided valuable recommendations and assessed it to be a product of quality, relevance and immediate value to the sector. Internally, national competent authorities were formally consulted, and they validated the SQF-MILOF. In addition, selected national education and training providers and volunteer officers from the EU Military Staff informally tested its implementation roadmaps.What is the SQF-MILOF? The SQF-MILOF Package
SQF-MILOF relates to lifelong learning for a particular sector: military officers. It is fully in line with the European Qualification Framework that is applicable in the general education system throughout the EU and partner countries in the Bologna process. The SQF-MILOF serves as an interface or ‘translation tool’ between the education and training opportunities offered in different countries, which makes it possible to compare different programmes. This makes it easier to recognise equivalent training done in another country, which in turn facilitates professional education and training exchanges between the MS and thus enhances the creation of a common security and defence culture. Although learning is its core business, the SQF-MILOF is more than merely a taxonomy of learning levels. It is a package of products including adjacent areas of the learning process, such as professional development or quality assurance. The first element of the SQF-MILOF package is the Competence Profile, which describes the competences that military officers should possess in order to carry out their duties. The Competence Profile informs the identification of learning that has to be achieved in various study or operational contexts (Learning Profile). The Learning Profile (core business) is composed of two linked elements: the SQF-MILOF proper and the MILOF Core Curriculum (MILOF-CORE). The SQF-MILOF encourages national training and education providers issuing military qualifications to consistently observe the principles of European quality assurance. Finally, as part of the package, a Military Qualifications Database will help ensure the transparent exchange of information.
What are the benefits of the SQF-MILOF Package and how can MS use its components?
The SQF-MILOF Package facilitates and provides MS’ relevant authorities and institutions with the right tools to:- inform the harmonisation of military officer competences reflected in the national occupational standards (through the Competence Profile);
- facilitate the levelling of national military qualifications against the SQF-MILOF consistent with National Qualifications Frameworks and European Qualifications Framework levels (through the high-level learning outcomes of the SQF-MILOF);
- support the harmonisation of learning outcomes of similar programmes across MS, facilitate the efforts of military education and training providers to develop learning-outcome-based curricula and help individual learners to identify their professional learning proficiency (through the detailed learning outcomes of the MILOF-CORE);
- compare similar qualifications across MS, thus facilitating the exchange of military students and course participants at any stage of their military careers (through the Military Qualifications Database); and
- ensure that national military qualifications follow European quality standards (through the SQF-MILOF Quality Assurance Principles).
SQF-MILEG (SQF-MILOF Executive Group)
The implementation of the SQF-MILOF will be carried out under the supervision of the competent national authorities via the designated representatives, working as the SQF-MILOF executive group (SQF-MILEG). The SQF-MILEG has been established in December 2021 and its’ role is to facilitate and support interested Member States in the voluntary implementation of the SQF-MILOF at national level. The SQF-MILEG will be meeting on a quarterly basis and has the following objectives:- Taking note of the national periodic reports on SQF-MILOF implementation
- Establishing specific guidelines for particular aspects of the implementation of the SQF-MILOF at EU, national and individual level
- Monitoring the publication by the MS of National Military Qualifications (NMQ) in the Military Qualifications Database (MQD)
- Organising peer-learning activities to support relevant bodies in the MS in the SQF-MILOF implementation
- Facilitating MS’ efforts to develop service-oriented or specialised SQFs, should the MS express an interest in this type of instrument
The SQF-MILOF Package
The Sectoral Qualifications Framework for the Military Officer Profession -SQF-MILOF package is published in two volumes and a brochure. (You can download the publications at the links below) Volume 1 describes the SQF-MILOF rationale and context and the development, validation and roadmaps for implementation. It has both historical and documentary value. Volume 2 is more technical, where interested practitioners can find useful information such as the Competence Profile or the taxonomy of learning outcomes in the tabular format of the SQF-MILOF and MILOF-CORE. Brochure explains what the SQF-MILOF in a nutshell is.SQF-MILEG:

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