Last updated : April 20, 2022
Member State | Malta |
Institution awarding body | General Jonas ?emaitis Military Academy of Lithuania |
Institution awarding body contact | |
Unique qualification id | LT2102 |
Military_qualification | Staff Officers Course |
Language | Portuguese |
Audience | national only |
Audience other | national only |
Outcomes knowledge | describe |
Outcomes skills | analyse |
Outcomes responsibility and autonomy | share |
Sqf-milof_level | |
Prerequisites | It is required to have the rank of captain (captain lieutenant); to have served in the military at least six years since their first commissioning; and to have no less than four years until they are released into reserve service. Required level of the English language is no lower than 2222 according to NATO STANAG 6001. |
Ways of acquiring the qualifications | |
Ways other | |
Ects | n/a |
Ecvet | n/a |
Duration | 19 |
Nqf level | L2 |
Eqf level | n/a |
Internal quality assurance | as per the national laws |
External quality assurance | as per the national laws |
Level of operations | High Tactical |
Url | |
Other information | |
Costs |