Job Opportunities

The European Security and Defence College is looking for dynamic, flexible and proactive colleagues with good communication and organizational skills with a developed sense of service.

Job Opportunities


ESDC Vacancy Notice SNE at the ESDC - Training Manager CO-FINANCED Job No 303108 - (Download Here)

Cover Letter SNE CO-FINANCED Job No 303108 - (Download Here)

Council Decision (CFSP) 2020-1515 (Download Here)


Vacancy available from: 1 December 2024

The closing date for the submission of applications is 14 October 2024 at 13.00 (CET).

Place of secondment: Brussels, Belgium



(archival) We are delighted to announce that we are accepting applications for internships. The aim of the internship is to offer candidates the opportunity to work at the ESDC, where they will help with the organisation and running of training activities. This will help them gain a better understanding of the CSDP in the overall context of the CFSP, as part of their studies.

The internship is aimed at students who are currently enrolled on a Bachelor's or a Master's degree course in a relevant subject at an academic institute/university.

We are:

As set out in Council Decision (CFSP) 2020/1515 of 19 October 2020, the mission of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) is to provide training and education in the field of the Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) in the wider context of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CSFP) at European level to develop and promote a common understanding of the CSFP and the CSDP among civilian and military personnel and to identify and disseminate best practices concerning various CFSP and CSDP issues through its training and education activities.

The ESDC works under the overall responsibility of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (‘HR’). The European External Action Service (EEAS) supports the High Representative in the exercise of his mandate to conduct and implement an effective and coherent EU Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), to represent the EU and chair the Foreign Affairs Council. It also supports the High Representative in his capacity as Vice-President of the Commission with responsibility for external relations including coordination of other aspects of the EU’s external action. The EEAS works in close cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Council, the services of the Commission and the Secretariat General of the European Parliament.

Who we are looking for:

A dynamic, flexible and proactive student with a developed sense of service.


Legal basis:


Council Decision (CFSP) 2020/1515 of 19 October 2020 establishing a European Security and Defence College (ESDC).


Eligibility criteria:


Candidates must:


a)    be nationals of one of the Member States of the European Union;


b)  be currently enrolled in an academic institution/university with a view to obtain a Bachelor’s/Master’s degree or equivalent in a field relevant for the ESDC’s activities;


c)    have insurance that covers sickness and accidents for the entire period of the internship;


d)   have a thorough knowledge of one EU working language (either English or French), a satisfactory knowledge of another language is an asset; in practical terms, in order to perform the required duties, this means an excellent command of written and spoken English, in particular good report-writing skills; good knowledge of written and spoken French is desirable.


Selection criteria:



  • academic achievements
  • academic profile
  • personal qualities, such as having an international profile, work experience, certificates and other achievements


Rights and duties of interns

 Duration of the internship

1 September - 31 December 2024



The internship itself

Interns are placed under the responsibility of a mentor. Interns are required to comply with the instructions given by their mentors and by their superiors in the ESDC, and to maintain the highest standards of personal integrity, impartiality and courtesy. Interns must carefully record their activities and submit a report to their mentor at the end of their internship.

The ESDC will provide a certificate confirming the length of the internship. Visits and trips may be organised for interns by the ESDC subject to budget availability and, subject to the conditions of the ESDC.


Early termination

Interns wishing to terminate an internship earlier than the date specified in the working agreement must submit a written request to that effect. This request, stating the reasons for the termination, must be submitted at least two weeks before the new planned end date of their internship, via their mentor, to the Head of the ESDC. Where appropriate, they will receive remuneration equivalent to the number of days they were present.



Interns work the same working hours and have the same official public holidays as ESDC staff. Interns are entitled to two working days of leave per month. This entitlement is acquired pro rata to the months worked starting from the first day of the month. Days of leave not taken are not paid in lieu. The Head of the ESDC must approve all absences. Interns may also receive a maximum of six days of special leave (only in order to sit examinations and in the event of serious family situations).


Absences in case of sickness

In the event of sickness, interns must notify their mentor immediately. Interns who are absent for a longer period may be subject to medical checks in the interest of the service.



Absences without leave

If interns are absent without justification and without notifying their mentor, they should provide proper justification for their unauthorised absence on their return. These days of absence are automatically deducted from their leave entitlement. The Head of the ESDC may decide, following examination of the justification given, or if no justification is received after a specific date, to immediately terminate the internship without further notice.


Financial matters


Basic amount

Interns are awarded a monthly allowance amounting to EUR 1300. If they receive a grant (e.g. Erasmus+ programme), the ESDC will reimburse the difference up to the amount of EUR 1300.

Interns will be reimbursed for expenses in the event of occasional missions and may receive a travel allowance calculated by the ESDC Secretariat.


Early termination of contract

Interns who terminate their contract early will be required to reimburse any part of the allowance they have already received, relating to periond after the termination date.

 Equal opportunities

 The EEAS is committed to an equal opportunities policy for all its staff and applicants. The EEAS is committed to promoting gender equality and to preventing discrimination on any grounds. Recognition, appreciation and inclusion of diversity in the ESDC are important to us. All employees shall be valued - regardless of gender and gender identity, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, social background, age or sexual orientation. It actively welcomes applications from all qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds and from the broadest possible geographical spread amongst the EU Member States. We aim to build a service that is truly representative of society, in which each staff member feels respected, can give their best and can develop their full potential.

Candidates with disabilities are invited to ask for the accommodation of any special needs and the provision of assistance enabling them to go through the selection procedure on an equal footing with other candidates. If a candidate with a disability is selected for a vacant post, the EEAS is committed to providing reasonable accommodation in accordance with Article 1d.4 of the Staff Regulations.

 Application Procedure


Candidates should submit their CV and motivation letter in English or in French in a PDF or Word, using the European CV format:


Candidates should send applications by email to the following e-mail address: Each application will be screened based on the requirements for the internship.

The most suitable applicants will be called by the ESDC for an interview as soon as possible.

The closing date for the submission of application was 29 February 2024 at 12.00 (CET).


Place of work: Brussels, Belgium

 Data Protection

The personal information requested from candidates will be processed in line with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and Decision No. 1247/2002/EC.


The purpose of processing the personal data of the candidates is to manage applications with a view to possible preselection and recruitment. More information on personal data protection can be found on the EEAS website:


For further information, please contact:

Administrative questions:

Selection and provile-related questions:




The protection of your personal data is very important at the ESDC and they will be handled as appropriate.

For Seconded National Experts (SNEs):


For Internships:

Administrative and selection related questions:
