SQF-MILOF WG 4th Meeting

Albert Borschette Conference Centre (CCAB) Rue Froisart 36, Brussels, Belgium

Permanent Representation of Slovenia to the European Union Boulevard du Régent 45-46, Brussels, Belgium

The Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) have the honour to invite Member States to the high-level conference Sectoral Qualification Framework for Military Officer Profession (SQF-MILOF). Supporting interoperability between the armed forces of the EU Member States to be held on 15 September, in

Library of the University of Wrocław Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12, Wrocław, Poland

The Wroclaw Security Summit 2021. 2nd International Science Conference - NATO and the EU - strategic partnership and cooperation in the field of the Euro-Atlantic security area The University of Wrocław and the Institute of International Studies will organize an international event entitled The Wroclaw Security Summit 2021. 2nd International Science Conference - NATO and the
