5th EAB.Cyber meeting

Albert Borschette Conference Centre (CCAB) Rue Froisart 36, Brussels, Belgium

recruitment of a Training Manager focusing on Civilian Aspects

ESDC Rue d' Arlon 62, Brussels, Belgium

We are pleased to inform you that we are looking for 1 “co-financed” National Expert for secondment to the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), for 1 post of Training Manager (focus on civilian aspects) within the framework of the Decision of the High Representative of 04/02/2014, and more particularly, its article 16. More information

ESDC EAB Meeting

Albert Borschette Conference Centre (CCAB) Rue Froisart 36, Brussels, Belgium

Steering Committee Meeting

Dear all, After contacting the Chair of the Steering Committee and considering the guidance given by the Secretary General of the EEAS concerning the handling of the crisis around sars – CoV 2 , I have decided to postpone the meeting of the ESDC Steering Committee planned for 27 March. The new planned date is

ESDC Anniversary Celebration

Representation of the State of Hessen to the European Union Rue Montoyer 21, Brussels, Belgium