The Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) have the honour to invite Member States to the high-level conference
Sectoral Qualification Framework for Military Officer Profession (SQF-MILOF). Supporting interoperability between the armed forces of the EU Member States to be held on 15 September, in Brussels.
The conference will offer Member States a forum for discussions and exchanges so as to facilitate the implementation of SQF-MILOF at national level. The target audience includes authorities dealing with qualifications at the level of directors, rectors, and commandants from the ministries of defence, defence staff, human resources/ education & training management directorates, as well as from defence and military universities, academies and schools in the MS.
Member States’ representatives wishing to attend the conference are kindly invited to
register no later than 3 September 2021 by accessing the link:
The invitation and the programme can be downloaded
We look forward to welcoming you at the conference and to finding new ways of improving interoperability between the armed forces of the MS, through cooperation in training and education.
Brigadier Peter ZAKRAJŠEK
Commandant Military Schools Centre
Slovenian Armed Forces
European Security and Defence College