Doctoral School Network Institutions

The network of the European Doctoral School on CSDP consists of:

  1. Academic institutions of the European Union accredited to offer doctoral diploma (hereafter 'accredited institutions');
  2. Research, education and training institutions of European Union Member States not accredited to offer doctoral diploma but which have relevant CSDP expertise and are members of the European Security and Defence College network (hereafter 'non-accredited institutions');
  3. European Union agencies and bodies that are active in CSDP in the wider context of CFSP (hereafter 'non-accredited institutions');
  4. The European Security and Defence College (ESDC).
Theresian Military Academy (Wiener Neustadt) Austria Burgplatz 1, 2700 Wr. NEUSTADT
Belgium - Egmont Institute Belgium Rue de Namur 69, 1000 Brussels
Royal Military Academy Belgium Rue Hobbema 8, 1000 Brussels
University of Liege Belgium Place du 20 Août 7, 4000 Liège
University of Ghent Belgium St. Pietersnieuwstraat n.33, 9000 Ghent
Open University of Cyprus Cyprus B1 33, Latsia 2220
Roskilde University, Department for Social Sciences and Business Denmark Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde
Finland - Crisis Management Centre (CMC Finland, Civilian Crisis Management Training, Research and Evaluation) Finland PO Box 1325, Hulkontie 83, 70821 KUOPIO
Hellenic Supreme Joint War College (HSJWC) Greece Georgikis sxolis Avenue 29, Athens 55535
Hellenic Airforce Academy Greece Acharnes 136 72, Greece
University of Macedonia Greece Egnatia 156 , Thessaloniki 540 06
University of Aegean Greece Lesbos 811 00, Greece
Greece - University of Peloponnese, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations Greece Karaiskaki 70, Tripoli 221 00, Greece
Greece - Institute of Research & Training on European Affairs (IRTEA) Greece Leof. Eleftheriou Venizelou Athina 106 78
Institute for International Studies National Public Service University Hungary H-1101. Budapest Hungaria krt. 9-11
Edward M. Kennedy Institute for Conflict Intervention at NUI Maynooth Ireland Mariavilla, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland
University of Turin Italy Via Giuseppe Verdi, 8, 10124 Torino TO, Italy
Netherlands Defence Academy Faculty of Military Science Netherlands Fellenourd str. 93 , 24 11 TH Breda
Directorate-General for National Defense Resources, Education and Qualification Division Portugal Avenida Ilha da Madeira, nº1 4ºPiso, 1400-204 Lisboa, Portugal
National College of Home Affairs Romania Sector 1, Privighetorilor Street, no.1-3 Bucharest
Romanian National Defence University "Carol I" Romania Sos. Panduri nr. 68-72, sector 5 Bucuresti
Military Technical Academy (Bucharest) Romania Bulevardul George Coșbuc n.39-49, 050141 Bucharest
Romanian Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy Romania Șoseaua Odăii n.20-22, 075100 Bucharest
EU ISS - European Union Institute for Security Studies Agencies under Common Security and Defence Policy 100, avenue de Suffren, 75015 Paris
EDA - European Defence Agency Agencies under Common Security and Defence Policy Rue des Drapiers, 17-23, B-1050 Ixelles
University of Central Lancashire Cyprus (UCLan Cyprus)/School of Social Sciences Cyprus University Avenue Pyla n.12-14, 7080 Larnaka
University Institute General Gutiérrez Mellado-UNED Spain c/ Princesa n.36, 28008 Madrid
European Union Satellite Center EU SATCEN Apdo. de Correos n.511, 28850 Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid
IRSEM Institute for Strategic Research France École militaire, place Joffre n.1, 75007 Paris
University of Piraeus (Athens) Greece Karaoli ke Dimitriou n.80, Pireas 185 34 Athens
Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca Romania Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu nr. 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi Romania Bulevardul Profesor Dimitrie Mangeron n.67, 700050 Iași
University Politehnica of Bucharest Romania Splaiul Independenței n.313, 060042 Bucharest
West University of Timisoara Romania Bulevardul Vasile Pârvan n.4, 300223 Timișoara
Rakovski National Defence College Bulgaria “Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi” Blvd n.82, 1504 Sofia
Institute of Continuous Education Greece tbc
Military Academy of Lithuania Lithuania Šilo Str. n.5A, LT-10322 Vilnius
Military Academy - Research and Development Center CINAMIL Portugal Rua Gomes Freire, 1169-203 Lisbon
Catholic University of Louvain-La-Neuve Belgium Place de l'Université n.1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve
CRéA - French Air And Space Force Academy France Base aérienne n.701, Chemin de Saint-Jean, 13661 Salon-de-Provence
Rey Juan Carlos University Spain Calle Tulipán, s/n, 28933 Móstoles, Madrid
European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats Finland Fabianinkatu 21 FIN-00130 Helsinki, Finland
Link Campus University Italy Via del Casale di S. Pio V n.44, 00165 Rome
University of Thessaly Greece Argonauts and Filellinon, 382 21 Volos
University of Nottingham United Kingdom University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD, Nottingham
Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics of the Cyprus University of Technology Cyprus 1 Panepistimiou Avenue 2109 Aglantzia, Nicosia
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne France Place du Panthéon n.12, 75231 Paris
European Citizens' Association Belgium Brussels
PM² ALLIANCE International Organisation Brussels
Hellenic Observatory United Kingdom London
University of Buckingham Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies (BUCSIS) United Kingdom Buckingham
Neapolis University Pafos Cyprus Paphos
University of Granada Spain Granada
University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria Bulgaria 700 Sofia, Student District, No.19 December 8th st., UNWE
Peace Journalism Lab, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece Egnatia 46 (1st floor),54625 Thessaloniki
Corvinus University of Budapest Hungary Budapest
National University of Political Studies and Public Administration Romania Bucharest
University of Patras Greece Patras
University of Pitesti Romania Pitesti
University of Amsterdam Netherlands Amsterdam