10th ESDC Advanced Course for Political Advisers in EU Missions and Operations, 14-18 February 2022
The Austrian National Defence Academy together with the European Security and Defence College held the 3rd module of the 10th edition of the Advanced Course for Political Advisers in EU Missions and Operations between 14 – 18 February. The first two modules of the course took place in October and December 2021. The three modules were held entirely in an online format owing to COVID.
There were 39 participants on the course, with a range of high-level professional and academic backgrounds. The course was designed to give participants an understanding of the tasks and challenges that political advisers in EU missions or operations are likely to face – both at the operational and strategic level. It is designed, too, to enhance participants’ existing skills through practical training exercises and encourage the formation of networks among individuals working in advisory positions.
Several experts contributed to the course by delivering lectures on relevant issues and on experience gained on the field. They taught useful techniques to be applied in the field of work.
A closing ceremony was held online and the 39 course participants were awarded with certificates of completion.
After the end of the course, in order to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the course, an Alumni seminar was held and the Alumni were given briefings on CSDP missions and operations, and on the risks and challenging facing these.