With ENTRi coming to an end in May 2019, the ENTRi Secretariat at the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF), hosted a two-day brainstorming conference in Berlin from 11-12 April 2019 to debate how best to continue the legacy and achievements of ENTRi into the future. Fifty-three participants from 27 organisations attended. In particular, the workshop brought together key stakeholders, namely, the European Commission, GAP, LET4CAP & EUPCST consortia, APSTA, ESDC and many more.

Two main sets of issues that emerged during the conference were: (1) Knowledge Management and the Community of Practice and (2) Standards and Certification.
The brainstorming stimulated many useful and differing opinions about how best to sustain the legacy of ENTRi. All those with a stake in carrying on ENTRi’s work through new systems and institutions need to find answers to the following questions:
- There was consensus around the idea of uploading ENTRi’s accumulated knowledge to a dynamic online knowledge-sharing platform, to enable it to be accessed, searched and updated. But who should host this platform and how should the process be managed?
- There was less consensus around how to continue ENTRi’s work on standards and certification of crisis management training courses.
The final ENTRi conference report is now availabe to all and can be retrieved from here