Last updated : April 20, 2022
Member State | Austria |
Institution awarding body | Institute for Basic Officer Education at the Theresan |
Institution awarding body contact | Military Academy |
Unique qualification id | AT1101 |
Military_qualification | Bachelor of Arts in Millitary Leadership (BA) |
Language | Bulgarian |
Audience | open to MS |
Audience other | open to MS |
Outcomes knowledge | describe |
Outcomes skills | analyse |
Outcomes responsibility and autonomy | share |
Sqf-milof_level | lvl1 |
Prerequisites | Certificate of general secondary education (high school diploma) or a special exam which allows to start studies of Military Leadership (this is very similar to the high shool diploma) + a one year military education (qualification: squad leader Infantry) + positive entrance exam + not older than 37 years |
Ways of acquiring the qualifications | Higher education |
Ways other | |
Ects | 180 |
Ecvet | n/a |
Duration | 60 |
Nqf level | 6 |
Eqf level | 6 |
Internal quality assurance | as per the national laws |
External quality assurance | as per the national laws |
Level of operations | low tactical |
Url | |
Other information | |
Costs |