ENTRi Conference

Pan Am Lounge Budapester Strave 43, Berlin, Germany

ESDC EAB Meeting

National University of Public Services (HU) Ludovika tér 2 Nemzeti Közszolgálati, Egyetem Budapest, Hungary

SQF-MILOF WG 5th Meeting

Albert Borschette Conference Centre (CCAB) Rue Froisart 36, Brussels, Belgium

5th EAB.Cyber meeting

Albert Borschette Conference Centre (CCAB) Rue Froisart 36, Brussels, Belgium

recruitment of a Training Manager focusing on Civilian Aspects

ESDC Rue d' Arlon 62, Brussels, Belgium

We are pleased to inform you that we are looking for 1 “co-financed” National Expert for secondment to the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), for 1 post of Training Manager (focus on civilian aspects) within the framework of the Decision of the High Representative of 04/02/2014, and more particularly, its article 16. More information

ESDC EAB Meeting

Albert Borschette Conference Centre (CCAB) Rue Froisart 36, Brussels, Belgium