Module 2 – 13th Advanced Course for Political Advisers in CSDP Missions and Operations
In today’s world, the role of political advisers (PolAds)has become more crucial and strategic than ever. As we navigate through an era marked by new crises, emerging technologies, natural disasters and conflicts which escalate daily and exponentially, the need for skilled and insightful political advisers is key. PolAds provide invaluable perspectives that go beyond the immediate crisis, offering comprehensive and nuanced analyses that inform strategic decisions and provide diversified understanding of conflicts and crisis.
PolAds are not just analysts; they are critical facilitators of dialogue and understanding. Their work helps bridge gaps between differing viewpoints, fostering a climate where constructive discussions can take place. This role is indispensable in our polarised world, where fostering cooperation and mutual respect is increasingly challenging.
Module 2 of the13th Advanced Course for Political Advisers in CSDP Missions and Operations took place with great success in Geneva from 3 to 7 June 2024 and was co-organised with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) under the aegis of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). During the five-day course, 20 participants from 13 EU Member States practiced different techniques of mediation and negotiation that will help them to find ways out of political impasses and help conflict parties to consider constructive paths towards peaceful and sustainable solutions.
The programme was carefully designed to meet participants’ needs and interests and to equip them with the advanced capabilities required to navigate the intricacies of today’s complex challenges. During the week participants refined their analytical skills, improved their mediation and negotiation techniques, and built the resilience and mindset needed to thrive in this demanding field.
Module 2 of the course proved to be an excellent interactive learning experience for participants, giving them the opportunity to take part in working sessions where they were able to explore and develop their strategic communication skills, mediation and negotiation techniques, personal resilience, polarity thinking and cultural awareness in a world that becomes more fragmented and polarised by the day.
After the opening remarks and warm welcome delivered by the course Director, Christina Orisich, Sean McGearty, subject matter expert from Maynooth University, Kennedy Institute, engaged the participants in very interactive sessions to experience and implement the tools needed to face crises in difficult conflict contexts. On the third day Ms Ida Manton focused her lecture on cultural biases and intercultural dialogue and how to overcome them.
Day four started off with a terrific presentation on strategic communication and on how to use narrative for impact. Participants greatly enjoyed the workshop that followed, during which they were challenged to speak in public using the specific techniques just learnt. The lecturer was Ms Jennifer Clickner, an expert in communication and a senior broadcast journalist.
Module 2 successfully concluded with an innovative session on leadership and on how to successfully navigate polarities, with a session led and delivered by the course director.
The ESDC would like to thank all the speakers for their dedication to the course and all the participants for their active participation and contribution. Special thanks go to the GCSP team, the course director and Medea Segantini, project manager, for their outstanding supportiveness and substantial coordination.