Course on the Challenges of European cybersecurity, Online , 25-29 September 2023
The 2023 edition of the course on “Challenges of European cybersecurity”, organised by the Portuguese National Defence Institute (IDN) under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) just started off.
The course, held entirely online from September 25 to 29, 2023, addressed Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence challenges and identified EU cyber-policy dynamics around five sessions on the following topics: Cyberspace concepts and policies; EU capabilities and requirements; EU strategy and policies; Legal frameworks and cyber operations; Cooperation and diplomacy.
Participants reflected a diverse environment: policy makers, experts and officials having both civil and military backgrounds and coming from EU MSs, EU institutions and agencies, as well as CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Teams), Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs personnel, all dealing with strategic aspects in the field of cyber security and cyber defence.
During the non‐technical cyber training, course participants enhanced their knowledge on cyberspace challenges, legal frameworks, and confidence‐building measures in cyberspace, and had the opportunity to learn and exchange views. Participants also engaged in an online strategic decision-making exercise on realistic scenarios concerning emerging challenges for European cybersecurity.